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Medical and General Disclaimers and its operators believe in living a holistic lifestyle and will provide opinionated information on natural and alternative health. Please note that we are not medical professionals and all writings should be taken as information for educational purposes only. If you have a health concern or specific condition, we advise you seek medical attention from your family doctor or other medical professional. Any person(s) who choose not to seek the council of appropriate health care professionals assume full responsibility and liability in regards to any injury which may occur by their choices in regards to our writings. Additionally, the opinions expressed at do not represent the views of each and every author or contributor to The publisher(s) of are not responsible for any content error or omissions contained herein.
Whew. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, please review our affiliate disclosure below:
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We believe in full transparency here at We are a real family; a tightly knit group, comrades for life. And we strive to live a healthy, natural life – on all fronts.
In the midst of that decision, mom and dad or Raina and David started this blog. We often offer links/recommendations to various products or services that we use ourselves and love. If you click on these links and purchase, we receive a monetary commission. Please note that this does not increase the price of said product or service.
David Cordell, Raina Cordell and are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This is an affiliate advertising program offered by Amazon for websites to earn advertising rewards (monetary) when they link back to, or any other sites they expressly own.
This website ( and all of the content herein (written, images, video, audio, etc.) is Copyright © 2024. Under no circumstances may any content be downloaded or reproduced without the express permission of the author and operator(s) of