Why I chose to leave doTERRA for Plant Therapy

I want to start by acknowledging that I realize this post may will upset some people. To be honest, up until a few months ago…I would have rolled my eyes at this blog post title and thought to myself, “what a mistake.” doTERRA is one the fastest growing essential oil companies in the world, and certainly … Read more

The top 6 toxic chemicals lurking in your home

Toxins, toxins, toxins. When we hear the word “toxins,” we typically picture a tall smoke stack pumping out a grey, foul-smelling gas.  With so many sources of environmental pollution, it can be tempting to want to spend our days indoors to protect our families from harm. In fact, people living in developed countries typically spend … Read more

Peaceful Child Diffuser Blends

As a parent of 3 children who all struggle with emotional regulation, peace is something I am always longing for. Our days often feel like we go from managing one meltdown, explosion, or angry outburst after the next.  Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how good your parenting is…there is simply nothing you can do to prevent … Read more

Anxiety. That dreaded word. It’s all too prevalent in our world today. With work deadlines, raising kids, making financial ends meet and so on and so on… When suffering with anxiety you can feel completely out of control. Kind of like being in a high speed car about to have a head on collision and … Read more

7 Cold Busting Detox Bath Recipes for Kids

There is only one thing worse than waking up with the classic runny nose, sore throat, body aches, and chills that come with the classic cold…if you are a parent (or have ever been around sick children), you know exactly what I am about to say! The only thing worse than having a cold yourself … Read more

7 Natural and Safe Remedies For Sore Throats and Coughs

Brr! Winter is right around the corner and with it comes nasty viruses. It seems like every year our family gets hit hard with several bouts of sickness – and the worst is sore throats and non-stop, dry coughs. But fortunately, there are several natural remedies available that have been proven to alleviate coughs and … Read more

15 Healthy Low Carb Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving has always been my favourite holiday. In fact, I love it so much that I often celebrate it twice a year! I grew up in Canada, but my Father is an American and I also married an American (born and bred in North Carolina)…so really I am part Canadian and part American. Canada celebrates … Read more

all natural DIY sunscreen and seashells

In a previous post, we highlighted the ongoing controversy surrounding sunshine versus sunscreen and talked about the known dangers on both sides. There is no denying the fact that the sun’s UV rays are extremely powerful and can cause damage to our cells and DNA. Many people have responded to this risk by liberally applying sunscreen … Read more