Welcome To Hol Family


Hello everyone!

We are so excited to be starting Hol Family, a blog all about how to live a holistic lifestyle in your family and home. We plan to write easy to read, but evidence based posts all about natural and healthy living in the areas of food and nutrition (including yummy recipes), holistic health, creating an eco-friendly home (DIY ideas and recipes), parenting and more!

Basically, everything we are passionate about.

So who are “we” and why would you want to trust us with your time and readership?

We are David and Raina, a husband and wife team and parents to three amazing children (currently aged 6, 4 and 10 months old).

David has a long history in retail management and currently is the General Manager of a Health Food Store in Ottawa, Ontario (CANADA). Raina is a former Pediatric RN turned stay-at-home Mom. Together, we are also both Holistic Nutritionists and Certified Health Coaches.

Whether you are a new mom looking for some ideas on baby-led-weaning for your little one, a dad wondering how to handle temper tantrums in your 2-year-old without resorting to punitive punishment, or simply wanting a research-based take on the latest health trend…we want to be your home base!

Most importantly, we know that parenting is tough and it really does take a village to raise happy, healthy little people while maintaining your sanity and your own health!

We hope that Hol Family will be somewhere you can feel like you are a part of a like-minded community. So if you are a Mom, a Dad, a foodie, a DIYer, an essential oil lover, an attachment parenting fan, or have ever been described as a health nut, crunchy, or simply passionate about all things health and wellness…so are WE! And we’d like to be your “people.”

Ultimately, your love and feedback, ideas and guidance will be what this blog is all about. We would love to hear from you through email, social media, or by directly commenting on one of our posts.

Let us know how we are doing, if there are things you’d like us to write about, or just introduce yourself.

We can’t wait to launch Hol Family and embark on this adventure together!!!



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David and Raina hol Family Team

Hi! We're David & Raina

A husband and wife team with three precious children. We believe optimal nutrition, holistic living and gentle parenting are the keys to a healthier and happier family.
We’re in our early stages. There are great things to come! Stay in touch and we’ll update you as we release new and exciting content!

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