29 Fun Date Night Ideas at Home

Home Date Night Ideas

Short on cash? Can’t find a babysitter? Practicing social distancing? Whatever the reason, being stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun or romantic date night at home. In fact, dating your partner even though the circumstances aren’t ideal strengthens your relationship in ways that a typical date night can’t.

Instead of letting hardships come between you, make a commitment to each other by setting aside (at least) one night a week for a date night. You’ll come to love these nights and may even decide to continue them when circumstances change. I do recommend a mix of at-home and not-at-home dates when you can, but there are so many fun and innovative ideas that dating at home should never be boring.

I’ve become somewhat of a pro when it comes to at-home date nights thanks to all of the reasons above. Lack of funds, challenges with finding a babysitter for three kids (one with special needs), and presently — being in quarantine thanks to COVID-19. My hubby and I made a commitment to keep dating regardless, and we’ve been having weekly home date nights for years.

Date Night at Home

Here are my top 29 date night ideas at home:

  1. Play a board game: We love Scrabble and Bananagrams!
  2. Wine and chocolate: Pretend you’re at a bar and just getting to know your partner.
  3. Cook a romantic meal together: Light some candles, dress up, and enjoy dinner for 2!
  4. Construct your dream home: Lots of sites let you plan your very own dream home. Have some fun deciding what it would look like. Next, create a plan for how you can build it one day!
  5. Paint pottery: Buy a couple of pieces of unfinished pottery and paint together!
  6. Movie night: Pop some popcorn, cuddle up and watch a romantic movie.
  7. Do couples yoga: Yep, it’s a thing and it’s pretty fun and definitely romantic.
  8. Take a dance class together: If you’ve always wanted to take a dance class but are too scared to do it in a group setting, there are plenty of apps or even just tutorials on youtube that will take you through a dance class in pretty much any genre.
  9. Learn a language together: This one is a lot more fun if you have a drink to go along with it. Once you’ve got the language down, you can practice saying romantic phrases that nobody else will understand!
  10. Plan a vacation: Start planning your dream vacation together. Where will you stay? What will you do? How will you get there?
  11. Watch a virtual concert: Thanks to quarantine, many bands are streaming their shows virtually.
  12. Talk: Genius, right? How often do you actually sit and just chat with your spouse about non-work/kid/finance banter? Try these conversation starters for couples.
  13. Stargaze: Sit outside and see if you can find the little dipper! If you’re really into it, consider investing in an inexpensive telescope!
  14. Do a puzzle: There’s something about doing a puzzle that really brings you together as a couple! It’s also very relaxing (for most people).
  15. Watch a TED talk: Why not expand your knowledge by watching a TED talk to get you thinking about something new and novel.
  16. Take a bath together: Add some Epsom salts and essential oils, light some candles, and settle in for a romantic dip in the tub together.
  17. Play a card game: Not into board games? Or unable to play your fav with just two players? Many games like Monopoly, Catan, and others offer 2 player card games!
  18. Eat take-out by candlelight: Even if you aren’t into cooking, you can still enjoy a romantic meal at home by candlelight!
  19. Watch a comedy show: Laugh together! It’s good for you and for your relationship!!!
  20. Reminisce: Watch videos of earlier times in your relationship, look at old photos, or talk about when you first met.
  21. Give each other massages: Nothing says romance like giving your partner a full body massage. Grab some massage oil to take things to the next level.
  22. Netflix and chill: Enough said.
  23. Play a video game together: Test out the kid’s video game system. It may bring you back to your youth, but you’ll probably have a ton of fun!
  24. Bake together: Not interested in making a full meal later at night? Why not just bake a romantic dessert together and eat it by candlelight?
  25. Have a moonlight picnic: Make a romantic picnic, spread out a blanket under the stars, and enjoy a romantic picnic by moonlight.
  26. Build a fire: Whether you have an indoor fireplace or an outdoor fire pit, you can enjoy a romantic evening by firelight.
  27. Make a collage: Spend an evening getting artistic and creating a collage of your relationship journey together.
  28. Tour a virtual museum: Lots of museums have gone virtual, enabling you to tour from the comforts of your home!
  29. Write each other a letter: Sometimes, it’s easier to get down your words on paper. Set a time limit, write each other a love letter, then take turns reading it to each other.

There you have it! 29 fun and romantic date home night ideas that you can do after the kids have gone to bed to spice up your relationship! What are your favorite home date night ideas? Leave a comment below and let me know!

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